Saturday, April 4, 2009

Moving Party!

So, what do you do when you have a bunch of furniture to move, but one person is preggo and the other is still recovering from knee surgery? You have a moving party! Tonight we had some friends over to help us transform the office into a "guest nook" and the guest room into the baby's room. I didn't think to take any before and after pictures (darnit), but between Mark's, Jeff's, Craig's, Bill's and David's muscles we got the dresser from the garage up to the baby's room, two sections of the gynormous desk down to the garage, the queen bed and two book cases down to the garage, the sofa bed from the garage to the guest nook, the TV and entertainment center from the baby's room to the guest nook, and the crib assembled!

And while we had everyone here, we took the opportunity to have dinner (thank you to everyone that helped me make dinner, especially Bill and Kari for dropping - er, I mean - helping with the pizza - hee hee) and play some poker too! It was a fun night (and I was actually feeling half human that evening - bonus!) and we are truly grateful to our friends for their help!

I promise to post "after" pictures when the rooms are done. Painting the baby's room comes next.

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