Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kyle rolls over!

Kyle rolled over today! Okay, so he's "supposed" to roll over from front to back first. It's "supposed" to be harder to roll over from back to front. Not for our boy! He's not "supposed" to be rolling over like this for several more weeks. What can we say?...our boy is advanced. Hee hee.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kyle's Sports Week

Kyle has been growing like a weed! He is not even three months old and he's wearing 3-6 month clothes, with 6 month sleepers required for the length. So, all the sports onesies we got in 3-6 month size that were intended for football season might not make it to football season! So, we had a Kyle sports week this week. Here goes:

Monday - Seattle Mariners

Tuesday - Washington Huskies

Wednesday - San Diego Padres
Thursday - Kansas City Chiefs
Friday - Seattle Seahawks

Saturday - Cal Bears

Friday, August 28, 2009

Kyle's belly laughing

Has it really been almost two months since I last posted on this blog? A lot has happened and most of the pictures have been put on Facebook. But, since I want this blog to be a chronological record for Kyle, I thought I better start adding more posts.

This post is about this afternoon. I picked up Kyle from Kylecare and the cousins were swimming. I took Kyle over to the fence so he could watch. Rilyn did a cannonball into the pool and the next thing I know Kyle is laughing! Oh sure, he's laughed a couple of times before when we happen to touch a tickle spot, but this was the first time he laughed about something he saw. I asked Rilyn to do it again, just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. He laughed even harder that time! Rilyn wanted to hear it so she asked Brittan to cannonball into the pool. Brittan doesn't like to cannonball so I asked her to simply jump in. Kyle liked it and laughed a little, but not like the cannonballs. So Rilyn cannonballed again into the pool and Kyle laughed so hard his belly shook! It was the CUTEST sound!!

Of course, by the time Grantie Sue came over, Kyle was over it. But, it was great while it lasted!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


All babies get nicknames. Scott was "Scotty Otty." Will was "the bug." Jaime was, and still is, "the bean." What nickname(s) did you or your children have? Leave a comment. I would love to see them.

Kyle has gotten a few nicknames too. Scott calls him "buddy" or "Tiger." I call him "little man" or "sweet boy." Recently, we've added, "little porker," as he's only four weeks old and he's drinking 4-5 oz. every three hours. And then he's earned another nickname based on this face that we see all the time.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

First 4th of July!

Spent the afternoon at the 4th (or 5th) annual Dorfman 4th of July BBQ. Good times, good food, good friends. A great afternoon, as usual, and Kyle was an angel, slept most of the time. When he was awake, he was kicking and moving and looking around. Everyone was ga-ga over him!

In the evening, we all went in search of fireworks. 4S Ranch was having fireworks this year and we thought a good vantage point would be on top of Black Mountain. The video tells the rest of the story.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Zoo Trip

I know we're crazy, but Uncle Tom was in town with his two kids, Jaime and Tomi, and we just HAD to go to the zoo. We lasted all of two hours and each kid had at least one meltdown...but we went.

Scott, Kyle, and a baby giraffe.

Jaime checkin' out the camel.

Whew! That was exhausting!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

10 pounds!

A Welcome Home Baby nurse visited today and brought her scale. Kyle is 2 1/2 weeks old and 10 pounds! Go baby go! Kyle is still not thrilled about being you can see.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Captured by Carrie

Okay, I know I'm seriously negligent on the blog since Kyle was born. Kyle is amazing!

Today, we drove up to Fallbrook for a photo-shoot with a photographer that specializes in infant photography. I snapped a couple of photos with my iPhone and posted them here. I can't wait for the proofs!

If you want infant photos taken, you've got to check out Captured by Carrie.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A little sun for our son...

Kyle was a bit jaundice when he was born. He didn't require grow lights, but we made sure he was getting some sun each day. Here, Kyle is with Aunt Sheri sitting on the couch with the sun coming through the window. Such a great picture!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Such a handsome little guy...

I know...I know...all new Moms think their little baby is so adorable! But mine is! He's so big that he doesn't really look like a wrinkly, red-faced new born.

And, I'm feeling great! No more nausea! I ate a full meal for the first time in a LONG time! The C-section isn't very painful. I was walking around by the next day. I'm still taking it easy, but it's nice to feel better and not have to take anything more than IBs for the pain. Nursing isn't going very well yet. We have seen a lactation consultant or two...we'll see. If all goes well, we should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. I'm excited, but nervous at the same time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

He's Here!!!!!

He's Here!!!

Kyle Scott Corbett
Born June 8, 2009 at 11:30am
9 pounds, 6 oz.
20 inches

He's so precious!

He just wanted to prove to y'all that voted that he was going to wait until his scheduled c-section on June 10 wrong. Hee hee. Uh-oh...independent minded already!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Well, it's almost time! The day is almost here! There are only three more days until we are going to the hospital to deliver you! You've been having the hiccups at least once a day for many months. Tonight, I recorded your hiccups on video. I think this is the only video of you when you were inside Mommy. You are what's called, "full frank breach," which means your head is up instead of down, but so are your legs and arms. You are kind of jack-knifed inside there. Only your bum is at the bottom. And, since you're a big baby, we are planning a C-section on June 10. Can't wait to see you! I love you so much already!

Anybody Seen My Ankles? I've misplaced them.

No explanation needed. It's quite a sight! We just got back from our last movie night out for a while. We saw "Up." Cute movie. Apparently I had too much popcorn and not enough water.

Three more days!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's This Guy's Fault!

I stopped in to see my infertility doc and staff today. They are a wonderful group and have been SO supportive not only throughout trying to get pregnant, but also during this pregnancy. I wanted to "show off the belly" and get a picture with Dr. Lindheim for the blog. Someday, I'll be able to tell our little guy the story about how this doctor is the reason he exists. When we first saw Dr. Lindheim, we had already tried seven artificial inseminations and two attempts at in vitro fertilization (through a different clinic...I had different health insurance before) all without success. We were pretty spent emotionally and financially. Dr. Lindheim described the benefits of doing in vitro fertilization with donated eggs. We decided to go for it. We had devastating results...all the little embryos, eight of them, stopped growing on day three...fairly good proof that we were double-whammied. We were done. No mas! Kids just weren't in our future. We couldn't go through it again - emotionally or financially. Dr. Lindheim never gave up. He called us with an opportunity. We declined. A couple of months later...another opportunity. We just couldn't. He checked in with us on a regular basis to see how we were holding up, expressing how badly he wanted to help us conceive a child. Told us that we deserve a child and what great parents we'll be. How many doctors would do that? Another couple of months go by...another opportunity. We decide to go for it (which we would not have been able to if it weren't for a substantial contribution from my Mom and Dad). And this blog tells the rest of the story. Thank you, Dr. Lindheim, for not giving up on us! Thank you, Mom and Dad, for not thinking we were crazy and wasting our money for wanting to try again!

Friday, May 29, 2009

All Bumps in a Row!

Rather than scroll through all the bump posts, check this out.

Last Bump!

Here's the last bump pic! The next picture of us will be with him on the outside! My belly is measuring full term size at 37 weeks. I guess I've been feeding him well despite my nausea. I've been working at it, buh-lieve me!

As usual, click here if you dare to see the bare belly version.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

LMSV Baby Shower

Today my "peeps" at the Ed Center put on a baby shower. I asked that this shower be a book theme. As you can see by the size of the basket on my lap, my little guy got SO many wonderful books! Many classics like "Goodnight Moon" and others that I've not seen before.

This pregnancy has been rough (understatement of the century) and this group of people have been unbelievably supportive! Thank you for your patience and understanding the last eight months and thank you for making me feel so special today! I will think of you when I read these books to my son!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mommy's Edu-ma-cated!

Three years in the making and not a moment too soon (with Baby Corbett due in a little over two weeks)! Today I graduated with my masters in Educational Technology. Woo-hoo!

Thank you to all the Kinneys that made the trek down from Murrieta to help me celebrate! It meant a lot to have you all here!

I know, I look as big as a house! :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mommy's new wedding ring

All you husbands out there...listen up! Imagine you are driving with your wife and she brings up the topic of a new wedding ring. The two of you talked about getting her a new one for your tenth anniversary (which was 7 months ago), but then she got pregnant and you really didn't have the money so it got shelved. On this day in the car, out of the blue she begins to brainstorm some ideas for this new ring. She's thinking something simple. She's thinking she would like a sapphire for the center stone. She's thinking all silver tone. She's thinking maybe emerald cut. That's the end of the conversation, she's just thinking out loud. imagine that you've already ordered that very ring! You've got to be grinning from ear to ear and thinking, "I'm da man!!"

So, several weeks later comes today. Today, my hubby made me cry. When he came home from work, he told me he had a little present for me, but didn't know when to give it to me. I said, "Well, I like presents. What's wrong with right now?" He said, "Okay, in a few minutes." I went upstairs to lie down, I was feeling a bit nauseous. In a few minutes, he came upstairs and sat beside me.

Well, it was something "little" all right. Although that wasn't the connotation of little that I was thinking!

~~Sigh~~I love my husband!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby's Birthdate

Okay, unless Baby Corbett decides to come early, we're having a c-section on June 10 @ 9:00 a.m. I had a doctor's appointment this morning and it's best if we go that route. I'm good with that. Of course I would rather go into labor naturally. Of course I would like to avoid the recovery of a c-section. But, nothing about getting pregnant or this pregnancy has been normal...why start now? :D

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Baby Corbett is breech, not just breech - he's jackknifed in there with his feet up by his head. It was really cute watching the ultrasound as his cute little hands were grabbing his cute little feet. Can you imagine how hard it would be on him (and me) if we tried to deliver his bottom only to have his head and feet get stuck?

So, mark your calendars!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Baby's room mural

Joe came over today to paint the mural for the baby's room. For those of you that don't know, Joe is my "little" brother from my biological family. Does anyone else think it's ironic that both my "little" brothers are artists? I think it's great!

A picture speaks a thousand words in this case. It is AMAZING!! And it was fun hangin' out with Joe for the day. It had been too long.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Corbett is big already!

My belly is measuring a bit big, so my OB set up an ultrasound to get a better idea of how big Baby Corbett is. Turns out, he's estimated at over 7 pounds already! And I've got five weeks to go! Babies typically gain 1/2 pound each week during these last weeks so let's see...drop the 5, carry the two...he'll be 9.5 pounds at 40 weeks! Okay, that's not too awful. But his head! His head is measuring 35 cm, which is the typical size of a baby's head at 41 weeks! If they use his measurements to recalculate a more appropriate due date, it would be May 26. Oh, and did I mention he's still breech? Yes, all those things I thought were kicks at the top of my belly were his head! I think I'm starting to see a c-section in my future. I have my next OB appointment on May 21. We'll see what the doctor recommends. I would prefer not to have a c-section, but I'm okay with whatever needs to happen to deliver him safely.

More importantly...we got to see our baby again! He was moving all over the place! His eyes were open and looking around. His feet were often up by his face and he kept moving both his legs and arms. He was moving his head from side to side. It was incredible to be able to see AND feel what I was seeing!

Here's lookin' at you, kid! Is this a sign of things to come? He's already looking and posing for the camera.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

LMMS Baby Shower

Today, one of my BFFs, Jennifer, put on a baby for me with my peeps from La Mesa Middle School. Jen went all out in decorating (as she is so good at doing) an adorable football theme! It was so much fun to hang out with my girlfriends (and a couple of guys) at LMMS! Some very interesting conversations ensued...let's just leave it at that (we want to keep the blog G rated so Baby Corbett can see it later)...and a lot of laughter! Baby Corbett got SO many cute clothes, some great burp cloths, and several fun toys! I'm glad I'm getting so many things from my friends who are Mommies. I would not have a clue! Thank you to everyone for making us feel so special!

Here's a picture of me with Jen, the host and my BFF!

Jen knows me so well. The shower had a football theme (which she would have done even if I was having a girl) and she made this awesome cake. The football is even a little cake! Very yummy! She made cupcakes too. Everyone ate the cupcakes so we didn't even cut into the cake. I took it home and Scott and I ate cake at least once a day for a week!

Just for fun, here's Maryam and I showing off my belly. Gees, I don't feel THAT big! Just wait for the next few weeks, huh?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Painting the Baby's Room

Time to paint the baby's room! And, I was having a nausea-free weekend for once, which made it all the better!

Here's a before picture...

Here's a "during" picture with my adorable hubby. The colors on the uploaded picture aren't as vibrant as the actual baby room color. It's supposed to look like we're under the sea in some beautiful, tropical place. The ceiling is a lighter shade of the wall color so it simulates looking up toward the surface.

Joe is going to paint a mural on one wall using the characters from one of my favorite children's books, "I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean."

I'll post some "after" pictures when we have the room more put together.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Baby Shower (#2)

Today was my second baby shower put on by my girlfriends for all my peeps! Danielle, Julie, Lisa, and Tracy outdid themselves! We had SO much fun! I could post all kinds of pictures, but the blog would fill up.

Tracy decorated this adorable cake!

A great activity! We all made pages in a scrap book for Baby Corbett!
The book is absolutely precious!!

Look! Someone knows us too well!
Go Seahawks! Okay, okay...go Chiefs too!

Just us girls! Thank you so much for making Baby Corbett and I feel so special! I can't wait for all of you to meet him!

Friday, April 24, 2009

7 and 1/2 month bump

Quick post to show how Baby Corbett is growing.

Click here if you dare to see the bare belly pic.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Baby Shower!

Today was my first baby shower! Leisha, Shannon, and Angie organized it and we had it at the Gardner house in La Mesa. I forgot my camera so if anyone has any pictures, send 'em my way. I got a few from Sheri. I meant to get a group shot, but my pregnancy brain (and/or nausea) got in the way of me remembering to do that too. We had a great's funny how far south conversations go when you put a bunch of gals in one room. Hee hee! I went to urgent care a couple of days before to make sure I'd survive the shower and I felt pretty good.

Some highlights:
We played a very sweet piggy bank game. Everyone put some change in a piggy bank and made a wish for Mommy and baby Corbett. Here are the wishes...
  • Good health and happiness
  • Immediate bonding
  • A home filled with music - from guess who? :)
  • Happy, healthy baby and easy nursing
  • Easy delivery and Daddy-baby bonding
  • Happy baby with lots of smiles
  • Creative baby
  • Lifetime bond with baby
  • Time together playing, laughing, and loving
  • Sleep! - says the sleep deprived Mommy of the bunch!
  • Put off unimportant things
  • Cooperative
  • Happy
  • Enjoys his toys, comes out easily, and make sure he's cute!

Suzy's adorable little Peter stole the show on several occasions. Here he is eye-ing the piggy bank after playing with the toilet paper used to guess my girth.

Okay, some of you are going to think this next thing is gross, but it was a fun, unique highlight of the shower...Shannon heard a rumor that if you mix Drano with the urine of a pregnant woman that you can tell the sex of the baby by the color. Blue for boys, green/brown for girls. And...since I know the sex of mine, but Angie (who was only 5 weeks pregnant at the shower) does not, we thought it would be fun if we could unofficially determine the sex of Angie's baby by testing both our urine. If the color prediction works with me, then maybe we can guess Angie's. So, that's right...we both peed in jars and Shannon mixed them with Drano. Results? Mine turned very brown, but I KNOW we are having a boy (see the ultrasound on an earlier post if you're not convinced). Angie's turned green. So, who knows?? But, it was good for many laughs!

Thank you to everyone for making me feel so special! I am SO glad that my Mom and sister, Sheri, got to fly down from Seattle to be here! And that they got to meet so many members of my "other" family! I will cherish the memories from this day!