Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5 (and 1/2) month belly pic

Well, we missed the 5 month mark, for obvious reasons... You know what they say, if the shirt still fits...figuratively and literally. Things are definitely progressing along. The baby is moving a lot now (kicking my bladder is his favorite activity). He has definite sleep patterns. He wakes up with me about 6:30a.m., then is up for an hour or two, a short nap, then up for another hour or two, then a longer nap until about 8:00p.m., then up until we go to bed at 10:00p.m.

Click here if you dare to see a bare belly pic.


Ginny said...

dare??? you look GREAT!

James and Summer said...

you look GREAT! wow - that is a wonderful schedule! basically sleeps through the night... hopefully baby sticks with that after birth! I had nausea with both of my pregnancies the whole time .... my heart goes out to you.

Lynne said...

Ouch, the bladder! You look great, Kori! Hopefully all that nausea, etc. is gone for good.

IanTaylor said...

June 17th is a great day to have a birthday! Mine is the 14th.
.....I wish I had naps everyday.