Monday, July 11, 2011

Meow Dot

Your language is developing daily at this point. It seems like you're saying at least five new words each day. Yesterday, while we were playing in the park, you were climbing up the green tube and you said, "BIG hill!" I didn't even know you knew what a hill was!

Today, after lunch, you pointed to the refrigerator from your booster seat and said, "Dot." I replied, "Dot?" You repeated yourself and I told you I didn't know what a dot was. Then, you paused, said, "Um...," looked up toward the ceiling as if to search for a better way to communicate with me. I could tell you had decided you better come up with some other way of getting your message across, 'cause Mommy wasn't gettin' it. It was very cute. Then, you got a eureka look on your face and said, "Meow dot!" OH! I get it! You wanted to play with the laser pointer that we got to play with Oni. I moved it to a new location, but you were pointing to its old location. And, last night, we called it a red dot when we were playing with it. You are so perceptive and smart!

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