Sunday, January 11, 2009

4 Months

Yesterday was officially 4 months along and my goal was to start posting belly pictures each month. Well, you're getting this picture instead. I've been getting phenomenal headaches about once a week for the past seven weeks. This one is the worst. It started yesterday and has continued through today. And it's coupled with intense nausea...I'm having lots of fun. So, I'll post a belly picture when I'm in the land of the living again. Quinny, you have to appreciate my ice bag. :-)


Bry and Rach said...

i'm so sorry! That is not fun at all! I hope it starts to get better for you! I get migraines so I totally feel you!

Ginny said...

I'm so sorry and hoping that sometime very soon you'll be past the majority of this. I always get headaches when pregnant, but none that warranted an icebag! :-) good luck!

Aunt Sheri said...


I know I leave some strange notes, comments, emails, voicemails...but...really you've got such beautiful skin. That's the first thing I thought when I saw this photo.

Can NOT wait for your belly photos! =)

Also, I'll be home on the 26th - Monday - and will be very patiently waiting to hear from you & Scott.

Hope those nasty migraines go away soon!

Love ya.