Friday, March 27, 2009

6 (and 1/2) month belly pic

I figured I might as well do the rest of the belly pics at the 1/2 month mark since that pattern was already set the last two months. I have had a good couple of days since I went to the urgent care clinic on Tuesday. I actually got my hair done today (first time since August) and watched a March Madness game with JJ and Beth at Chili's this afternoon. Hopefully I'm on the mend permanently, but if not, I'm not going to wait so long to go to the urgent care clinic next time. If I have to go once a week the rest of the pregnancy, so be it.

Again, if you dare to see the bare belly version, click here.


Lynne said...

Yes, go to the clinic. Babe can't handle that missing 2 liters of fluid and lytes in the amniotic sac. Not good.

Tami said...

You have to do what works. A couple years ago I met a woman who had two little boys and her doctor would send her home with IV saline, etc. She'd get so sick that she would literally gain 50lbs prior to pregnancy so that she'd survive. She said that after giving birth she would be a size 4. I don't think I could survive that kind of pregnancy and I certainly don't think I'd have the strength/desire to do it again. I'm totally impressed with women who can endure day after day of nausea. Anywho, baby Corbett is very lucky to have such devoted parents.
Your belly looks beautiful. I can't wait to see the 9 month photo in that same t-shirt. :)

Lynne said...

Wow! What miracle cream are you using? You have no stretch marks!