Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ER Visit #6

Okay, I know you are going to think this is just a ploy for sympathy, but really, at some point you either have to cry or laugh about it. Today, I'm choosing to make light of it. I took these pictures with my iPhone while I was at urgent care. I finally got to the end of my rope with my symptoms (again) and had my friend, Julie (life saver!), take me to urgent care. They hooked me up with 2 liters of saline and electrolytes plus a shot of Phenergan. Totally worked! I felt GREAT the rest of the day! I may be going more often if I continue to feel as bad as I have been.

I'm 6 1/2 months so be looking for an updated belly shot soon.


James and Summer said...

you know, i was chatting with my new obgyn about my experiences with my pregnancies (believe me, I understand what you are going through!) and he was totally shocked and out right upset that the doctors never sent me to the hospital for what you are doing.

He says that if symptoms and experiences are similar the next time I am pregnant, he will just schedule or write a prescription for me to just visit his office or the ER (but under an office visit) once a week or as often as needed so that I don't have to feel so awful all the time! He even said something about just keeping a pic line in pretty much permanently (but I don't know how that will really go over while taking care of other little ones).

I think... I love him.... (jk)

But really, what does a girl have to go through?!? If it makes you feel that much better - seems to me like this should be a scheduled thing!

I do have the reassurance that the child is worth it. The amount of joy received is great. I don't fantasize about everything being 'perfect' - it's not - but it IS worth it.

PS Good for you to take pics, this is part of the true history. I kinda wish I had taken pics of all of the different docs I saw with Abby - it would make quite the collage!

Koreen said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement, Summer! Severe morning sickness sure seems to run in our family. Shannon never went to the ER to get hydrated either. She will the next time she's pregnant. I don't know how anyone willingly gets pregnant a second time after going through this! I'm fortunate in that I grew up around the medical field and knew to go to the ER...none of my doctors told me to go, I just knew. And I think I will be making it a weekly event until it's passed or the baby's born. It's such a problem for so many women that our Kaiser Hospital (I'm not with Kaiser or I would be a regular) has a separate unit called the "Hyperemesis clinic" devoted specifically for hydrating and medicating sick pregnant women. Can you believe it?

Wow, I bet you would have a lot of pictures to take with all of little Abby's doctors! I thought of you when I saw all four of our baby's little heart chambers beating away. Your family has been through so much!

Lynne said...

2 liters!!! Kori, don't wait that long next time! Yikes!

ayac said...
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ayac said...

Koreen! 2L? Oh my goodness! Thank goodness for phenargen! I am allergic to that schtuff (phenagen and compazine woot!) so I got some other goodness.

Your baby is coming so soon! Would a little baby blanket be good? I'll put you third in line (I am wrapping up two right now.) Any particular colors?